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Bunnies need much more care than a lot of people think. They are like a dog in a way, they need just as much attention. If you are going to keep your bunny in a cage then you are going to need to let it runaround a lot! 1-2 hours a day. If you keep it in a play pen then you will only need to take it out for about 15-30 min a day. If you let your bunny have there own room or you let them free roam, then you only need to give them attention. In my opinion I think that you should not keep your bunny in a cage, especially a cage with a wire bottom. I also strongly believe that you should not use a water bottle for your bunny to drink out of unless you also have a water dish for them as well. Water bottles can make your bunny dehydrated. Rabbits teeth never stop growing so, your bunny should always have something to chew on. It could be an apple stick a piece of cardboard or any thing else that you are ok with them chewing and is ok for your rabbit to chew. If you don't then, they might chew on some thing that they are not allowed to chew on. You should also be prepared to take your bunny to a rabbit savvy vet just in case they have a health problem.
These are some of the main things that bunnies need in there every day life.
Food, (Veggies and or bunny pellets)
Hay, (Timothy and or Orchard grass hay) Not Alfalfa hay
Attention and human interaction
A space to run around
Love, (Human cuddles and or play time)
Chew toy, (Card board, Apple stick or any thing that bunnies can chew on)
These are some screen shots of price comparisons
Should Not Get

Should Get

This comes with 2 bowels

Look at the price difference
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