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How to litter box train your bunny.
You can in fact litter box train your bunny. A great way to start would be to have your bunny in a smaller place, don't lay any absorbent thing on the floor. Then you get their letterbox or pee pad and put it in their space with them. Once you start to see there tail lift then they are going to go pee. Quickly pick them up and put them in the area you want them to go pee on. (It also helps if you put their hay in the liter box as well.) Eventually your bunny will start to catch on to what you want them to do. It will help if you get your bunny spayed or neutered. They will go poop and pee in there litter box almost all the time. Also if you do not get your doe (female) bunny spayed then she will most likely eventually get cancer, unless you breed her but she may get cancer once you are done breading her. So that being said make sure you have the money to get your bunny fixed.
These are a couple of different types of litter boxes your bunny can use

These can all be purchased of Amazon. Some you can find cheaper at other places.

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